Attention! New fraud scheme.

Looks like an old and well known fraud scheme comes to VOIP market.
A swindler register a company, agressively spam the VOIP community about he is a good and respectful partner, start business with a few companies, send traffic and pay via Paypal.
After several successful payments swindler's partners got a notification from Paypal about a credit card used for these payments was stolen from its owner and thus all payments are currently blocked and money will return to credit card owner.
It is an old fraud scheme: a swindler steal a credit card's authorization data, use it for buying any kind of goods with fake delivery address, when goods arrives at this address - it immediately sold to other people /companies and a swindler takes this money as his/her profit.
We recommend: when you start working with a new companies - ask them for registration documents and accept payments via Paypal only for "services". Also if Paypal delay with incoming funds enrollment - stop accepting traffic because it looks like these guys is a part of this fraud scheme.