Zorin Interconnection Networks GmbH

Dear partners.
Please be aware of Zorin Interconnection Networks GmbH.
Site: www.zorin.com
Address: Auf dem Keipersnickel 2 D-63457 Hanau
Contact person: Thomas Rapp
Fax: +49-6181-988-5456
MSN: thomas.rapp@zorin.com
Tel.: +49-6181-988-5452
E-mail: thomas.rapp@zorin.com

Dear Partners,
Zorin Interconnection Networks GmbH has outstanding debt to IXC-USA Corp. at the sum of 9248.93 USD for June - July 2008 and all the attempts to get this debt paid were unsuccessful.
We contacted Thomas Rapp and each time we raised a problem of the debt, they apologized and promised to pay everything back.
At the moment they just stopped responding to our calls and e-mails.
If anyone has any information concerning this company or outstanding debt, please contact us.
Please be very careful while working with this company.
Zhenya Krit
msn ID/e-mail: zhenya.krit@ixc-usa.com
icq: 466725254