

We request group members to be aware of Z-Tel company.
Any one working on credit with Z-tel?
They buy for high price and sell for low price using credit we found it now.
They run away with our 2200$.


He asks me to start voip business with him, after a very long conversation I trust him and start with the limit of 1000$.
When 1000$ reached I asked him to send payment and he gave me a fake payment slip and told me that payment will show in your bank within 2/3 days. But the slip was fake I thought that he is sending me payment slip so I started the route, but when my bill reached at 2500$ I ask him for payment, but he did not reply.
When he fraud me I blocked his Skype ID and remove him from my Skype contact list. So that I don't exactly remember his Skype ID, but his switch IP was in my VOS switch, so that I'm mentioning his IP address is
Please beware.

Sumaira Telecom owe us (Lowsip) $500+.
Every time we contact them they gave us excuse like they will off set with traffic in few min then days, weeks, months goes by no respond.

Corex Call

Please be aware of this company: Corex Call. 
They owes us 470$ and they are making stories on the payment delay and now they are not responding.

Contact e-mails:, 

Be careful. 

KGC Limited

Voice Courier / Stamze FZE

We have dealt with them for 2 years. Payments were done but always slow (as usual).
4 weeks back, they stopped paying us. We sent them a lot of reminders but no one answered. On January 19th, we were blocked on their side.
Since then, no answers anymore.
They claim to have troubles with banks but do not offer any solution. Be aware, they wont pay you as well.

Wallcall System

Wallcall system pushed us traffic, made a small payment, when it is time for week 2 they told us their Paypal account is frozen.
Then told us that they have no other funds to settle this $1k bill.
Claims they have the funds on a prepaid Visa card, but they can't send it to us via bank, bitcoin, skrill etc...

L&C Consulting Sarl

We are waiting payment for the invoices done from 26/05/2018 to 30/09/2018.

We ping L&C on Skype and they told us asap they will arrange a payment...

We wrote emails but never replied.

They owe us (Rainbow srl) 459,38 EURO.


Dear partners.

Please be aware of VOIPACK ICS, Inc.

Voipack ICS made an post payment agreement with us (DRC Tel).

In one weekend their traffic was calculated in $33.000. They argue that their customer had not paid us.

We hope you could be aware of them.


Dear Partner,

Atellio GmbH owed us (China Skyline Telecom Co.,Ltd) USD 858.43 since August,2018. We were told they have register for insolvency on August,31th 2018 and refused to get amount offset until now.

Kindly be aware of them.

Dasa Telecom

Dear partners,
please be aware of Dasa Telecom
They owes us (Speedflow company) USD 6612,38 for VOIP traffic.
At present time we are looking for offset.
Thank you.